Thursday, September 07, 2006

i skipped a lect!!!

i am supposed to be mugging hard for my GEK tutorial now but i just cannot resist the temptation of blogging about TODAY!!!

today was my early day because i had a MLE lect at 8am. my mother woke me up at 715 but i could not walk straight to my kitchen. nsso worries, i was not suffering from any hang overs. i was just SHAGGED!! i have been sleeping at around 2 to 3am since school started and the tired-ness was pulling me back to my bed this morning. i mumbled some stuff to my mother and went back to bed. my next tutorial was at 10am. luckily, my dad barged into my room and shocked the hell out of me when he told me it was already 930am. how was i going to fly to nus fass in 30minutes? in my shortest possible time (around 10 minutes), i started my run to fass.

i actually enjoyed today's tutorial. it is my ONLY arts subject i am taking now. i am not the arts person but i worship history. yaya, i can hear some 'yucks' now. so the bottom line is i love SSA! we were discussing how singapore history can help to build the nation identity. i was thinking what if i was told during the tutorial that everything i had learnt in primary and secondary school was biased and subjective. they were just propaganda with limited truth in them. what if? hmm... i guessed i would be devastrated and break down. it would just imply my hard work from the 10 years were wasted. actually i felt qte offended when someone said that the way the schools taught history was boring because it was all memorising work to them and trchers spot qns to teach. maybe i am one of the fortunates ones because it did not happen to me.

i was in love with my history trcher, D LIM. he did spot questions but he did not just teach us on those topics. he taught us more. spotting questions is just being exam smart. doesnt everyone do that for all subject during exams? so does that mean all subjects are boring? he is a strict teacher who expects active participation from everyone for all classes. there was once, nobody answered his question. i guess it was cos his was our first lesson in the morning so everyone was still sleeping then. he was pissed with us and started reading his novel. hmm.. luckily, the lesson continued when someone saved us by answering his question. his method is different from what many think. he used discussions to trigger our thoughts, to make us think and speak up. from there, i had gained much and it definitely made learning history easier and more interesting.

i want to start mugging for history like the good old days again. learning history just makes me happy. oh yeah! jiefang is starting school today. she must be in her class now. haha.. hope you have fun and remember to start saving money now! i want you to attend my graduation. =)

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